Spring treasures
While browsing through pictures of flower arrangements from previous years, I realized that this summer marks the 10th anniversary of this tradition!
For spring, the timing has also become a tradition: the arrangement is created on Mother’s Day weekend. This year, the weather was sunny but very windy. I had to choose the most sheltered corner of the yard to prevent all the gathered plants from being blown away by the wind.
At this time of year, most flowers and green buds on the branches are quite delicate. In contrast, the sturdy, strikingly colored bergenia flower with its large leaf works beautifully.
For the first time, I made a reel of the spring flower arrangement (if it doesn’t play smoothly below, you can also watch it on Instagram).
You can open the video on a larger view by clicking the square on the right bottom corner of the video.
The Collection of treasures is my Instagram photo project. Four times a year, one for each season, I create a composition of the plants available in the garden. You can find all four seasons on Instagram with the hashtag #harjunpelto.